Trained in film and light, I am the quintessential visual learner. Visually I perceive and intuitively I grasp onto an artistic medium that enabled me to better express how I feel about the universe around me. Digital Fine Art will probably go down in history as this century’s most powerful communicator, and creativity is greater for the medium. The digit has enabled experimentation and expression perhaps not exceeded in man’s known history. We have succeeded in making visualization machines of which our ancestors could only dream. Now it’s up to us as artists, to visualize and create work that will guide us in becoming the more respectful beings we know we can be.
Digital smigital, it is not the tool that’s important, or the medium, but the message. If you have seen my work, and enjoyed it, or even if you don’t appreciate it, I have succeeded in my goal–in touching your senses. By opening your eyes to the light captured in these images, you may have caught a glimpse of yourself, or your soul was touched – if only for a brief moment it stirred.
Visually expressing emotion, whether it be passion, love, anger, fear or any other emotion, is critical. When an artist succeeds in bringing the viewer into their work, they have accomplished Art’s mission. Your understanding of the message will not be as mine, as the work’s creator, but unique in-your-mind. Differences in perception are what set the true value of an artists work.
My work comes from the heart. I produce art for my sake, for my sanity. No one is forcing me to create. Motivation comes from within and hopefully is reflected in the work, whether it starts as a vision, a photograph, or an algorithm. Artistic motivations fade with time, but what remains from the mindful energy expended, is captured with light frequencies and chemistry, continuing to reach into the eye of the beholder.